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Where Can I Order Bespoke Picture Frames Near Me?

If you feel like your picture is missing something, it might well be a quality frame to provide that perfect finish. 


People have realised the value of framing a picture for centuries. One of the earliest frames dates back to AD 50-70, with a wooden frame and the portrait found within an Egyptian tomb.


All kinds of objects and pictures can benefit from having a frame, where it’s photographs, canvas paintings, drawings or prints. Posters, mirrors, shadow box memorabilia, and textiles also look amazing when they have the right frame.


It was during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries that the hand-carved, wooden frames that we recognise today came about.


 Whether you have a beautiful family photograph or a painting you’re entering for a local competition, a bespoke frame can make all the difference. Here at The Little Framing Company, we love creating the ideal custom frame for any piece of artwork, mirror or photo. 


Designed to both protect and decorate a picture, a frame keeps your work safe and can also integrate it with your interior design. 


Good framing can be more difficult than many people realise. 


You not only need to find the right frame in terms of colour, decorations and size, but have high quality backing and glazing to protect it effectively. 


Although frames are generally square or rectangular, in reality they can be any shape. Above is one of our custom frames designed for a mirror in a blue bobbin octagon. 


More unusual shapes which are popular include stars and hearts which can be hand carved by a professional frame maker. There are also picture frames designed to go around corners, including what’s known as the scoop, which has an indent in the frame adding depth.


Our designs include our bobbin frames which are highly popular with a range of customers. 


Handmade at our studio in Glasgow, a place long associated with arts and crafts, our picture frames are crafted with love and care. 


No matter if you want a highly decorative frame or a beautiful basic one that’s that exact right size, we can help. 


Our bespoke frames are made using archival-quality materials, so are an excellent investment. Whether you’re an artist, photographer or wish to frame your favourite family pictures, we love working with a wide range of clients from across Glasgow. 


If you’re wondering where to order custom picture frames near Glasgow, simply contact us to get the ball rolling. 


Check out our previous article here.

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